Min dagliga kvällsläsning och en riktigt bra bok! Älskar Susan Garretts sätt att träna hundar och blir bara fylld med hopp och inspiration efter att läsa denna bok FYLLD med träningstips och kämpaglöd trots att alla odds är emot henne och hennes nya valp Buzz.
Så himla bra helt enkelt 😉 Tror att nästan alla hundtävlande/tränande/ägande människor kan få ut MASSOR av att läsa denna godbit 😀 REKOMMENDERAS kort sagt 😉
Det var inte många som trodde att det skulle bli något av den här hunden från början, men ack så fel de hade 🙂
Lite info:
The Dog Writers Association of America has named Shaping Success as Dog Book of the Year for 2005 in the category of Training and Behavior.
Written by one of the world’s best dog trainers, Shaping Success gives an excellent explanation of the theory behind animal learning. Buzzy’s story both entertains and demonstrates how to apply some of the most up-to-date dog training methods in the real world. — Greg Derrett, Twice Great Britain’s Agility Handler of the Year, Silver Medalist, 2004 FCI World Cup of Agility
It’s rare that a trainer shares his or her mistakes as well as successes. Susan presents a great mix of training theory, practical application, and “Buzzy” stories. I read this book in one day, but I will use these lessons for a lifetime! — Terry Smorch, 12-time national agility champion, 2003 Team Bronze Medalist, FCI World Cup of Agility, USDAA, AKC Agility Judge
Susan Garrett’s training program is an elegant demonstration of errorless learning. She puts sound learning theory into practice. — Pamela Reid, Ph.D., Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Director ASPCA Animal Behavior Center, New York City, NY
A heartfelt journey that will appeal to anyone desiring a relationship with his canine partner. Susan reminds us it is the process that is important and to focus on the reason we got a dog in the first place. — Debbie Zappia, 2003 USA National Shutzhund Champion, 2004 Silver Medalist WUSV World Schutzhund Championships